
Breeze mimetype WIP

Here are some results of the breeze-icon mimetype redesign. As you can see we make use of your feedback.


What is still missing? The archive, vector graphic images and virtualbox icons will get some love. After the shapes are finished Alex will work on the colors and gnastyle on the MS Office icons.

Be part of it

git clone:https://github.com/kde/breeze-icons

11 Gedanken zu “Breeze mimetype WIP

  1. kmi schreibt:

    Top right icon looks like a settings app, not a MIME type. Top left one looks like a new icon for Juk or some other music player.

    Don’t make MIME type icons square-ish.

  2. Pingback: Links 18/9/2016: Emacs 25.1, Slackel 6.0.7 | Techrights

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